It is inerrant as originally written.' He is the perfect storm of cognitive dissonance: bound as a scientist by the laws of logic and facts while simultaneously committed to the fundamentally irrational belief that the Bible is (or at least was in the originals) the 'inerrant Word of God.' As such, he provides a rich body of insights into the psychological dysfunction caused by commitment to demonstrable error. Rich Deem is also a Biblical fundamentalist who believes the 'Bible is the inspired word of God given through the writing styles of men led by the Holy Spirit. Deem's site is aptly named he is a research biologist with 26 articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. He says he began his site in 1994 when serving as a volunteer apologist for astrophysicist Hugh Ross' Reasons To Believe ministry. Rich Deem is a prolific Christian apologist who publishes a defense of his faith on his website which has over 1300 pages as of 2012. Regarding the site, (all 1300+ pages of it) that you're so fond of, it is the work of one single man.
The only agenda I have is to weed out the manure and get at the facts. As I mentioned above, statistics riddled with estimates and guesses are more opinion than fact. I suspect what the rest of the world accepts as fact and what you accept as fact are not the same. More like you don't want to face the facts as it doesn't suit your agenda.